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Thunguri Co Op


Historical Background:

Farmers in Kibirigwi planted their first coffee trees in 1953.  The Co-operative Society has 8 wet mills namely Ragati, Ngugu-ini, Mukangu,Kiangai, Kibingoti, Thunguri, Kianjege and Chema. The Coop is located within Kiine location, Ndia division, Kirinyaga West Sub-County  on the Southern slopes of Mount Kenya.

Management & Membership:

Kibirigwi Co-operative Society LTD is managed by an elected Board of Directors of 9 members, one elected from each factory catchment. Each member   represents an electrol zone in the larger Kiine Location . There is a Supervisory comittee of three elected members who carry out oversight functions over the Board.  Currently the Co-operative has 58 permanent  members of staff who are headed by a Secretary Manager. The Secretary Manager  oversees the day to day running of the Co-operative under the supervision of the Board.

The 8 Wet mills in the co-operative have a membership  of 7552 active  farmers.

Coffee Production:

The Co-operative is currently producing an average of 4.5 million Kg Cherry.  The production for the last 3 years was as follows in kg cherry;

Coffee Processing and Marketing:

Farmers selectively hand pick red ripe cherries  that are delivered for wet milling on the same day. The parchment is then fermented, washed and sun dried . Dry parchment is milled and bagged at Sagana coffee mills and then transported to – warehouses. The Coffee is then sold through the Nairobi auction.


Image for Ethiopia and Kenya Field trip report 2015

Ethiopia and Kenya Field trip report 2015

09 February 2015

Another year has passed since my last visit to East Africa, and what a difference a year makes!

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