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Pô Kô Farms Vietnam Pô Kô Farms Vietnam Pô Kô Farms Vietnam Pô Kô Farms Vietnam
Pô Kô Farms Vietnam Pô Kô Farms Vietnam Pô Kô Farms Vietnam Pô Kô Farms Vietnam

Pô Kô Farms

Formally known as To Hop Tac San Xuat Ca Phe Sach Vi Suc Khoe Cong Dong (CSCC) this cooperative changed their name to Pô Kô Farms in 2017. They are located on the Pô Kô river basin in the district of Dak Ha.

Their 118 small producer members benefit from agronomy training and business management, the cooperative also provide them with organic and microbiological fertiliser.

Pô Kô Farms specialise in Fairtrade Robusta. They use their premium for a variety of things, including building two community houses, a kindergarten, seven houses for underprivileged families, constructing a rural road, a bridge over a river, contributing to the scholarship funds for primary schools, funding victims of Agent Orange (a herbicide and defoliant chemical which was used in warfare during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971) and gifts for underprivileged children during their traditional holiday of Tet. They have also built an office and processing facilities with this money.

They take quality control very seriously, board members learn the latest farming and processing methods yearly to give up to date training to staff, particularly on Fine Robusta processing methods. There are also a number of trained Q graders. Every year, Pô Kô Farms take soil samples to determine the most efficient growing coffee methods to achieve the best quality and yield.

Mrs Oanh- a member of Pô Kô Farms from the beginning of 2009, “Participating in Po Ko Farms brings many benefits for me and my family. My husband and I not only learn how to grow and process high quality coffee, but also how to protect our health when working in the field.”

Coffees from this producer

Vietnam Pô Kô Natural
