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Asociacion Aldea Global Jinotega

22 Small Farmers started Aldea Global in 1992. Aldea Global is a Nicaraguan farmer association assisting more than 1,300 farm families, most of them belonging to the Chorotega Indigenous Community. Their vision is to become one of the countries leading and most renowned organisations for assisting small growers and their communities.

With most communities growing coffee in excess of 1200m and upwards of 1800m, coffee is shade grown, sundried and typically score in excess of 84 points.

Aldea Global continues growing and investing on different programs for their members: promoting the use of technology at farm levels: development of Apps for providing massive technical support on different Agricultural products (Aldea Movil); e-commerce App for agricultural inputs (AldeaZon), internal audits for certification standards compliance (Aldea Cert); real-time analysis using AgroCares Soil Scanner, fertilizers and supplies according to the soil and crop requirements; as well as microfinancing services and social programs during the whole year.

For 21/22 they operated 59 community receiving stations and 9 branch offices, including our new office in Jalapa, Nueva Segovia. Up today Aldea reached a total of 17,253 members, of which 5,126 are women and 4,928 are smallholder coffee farmers. They have delivered many containers of specialty and certified coffees, expecting to reach around 440 lots (up from 370+ in 20/21).

In the meantime, building continues of a new milling facility, where they are installing high-end technology equipment for improving the coffee industrial processing.

Coffees from this producer

Nicaragua Tierra Madre

  • Fairtrade
  • Berry
  • Chocolate
  • Honey
  • Other Fruit

Nicaragua SHG

  • Fairtrade

Nicaragua SHG Jinotega

  • Rainforest Alliance
  • Cocoa
  • Fruity
  • Nutty