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Our coffees from Myanmar




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About Myanmar

It’s a country which is in between the two ‘Super powers’ India and China, and it shares a border with Bangladesh, Laos and Thailand. The country consists of 7 states and 7 divisions.


About Myanmar Coffee

The two-main coffee producing regions are Mandalay division and Shan state. Although they are neighbours, they differ significantly. Mandalay is characterised by large single estates straddling 1000masl and the varieties are typically SL 34 and Catimor. Shan state is at higher altitude ranging from 1400-1600masl, and is nearly exclusively red catuai. Coffee produced there is by small holders from hill tribes.

Producers from Myanmar

Background image for Shwe Ywar Ngan
Shwe Ywar Ngan
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Image for Myanmar adventure - from Mandalay to Shan State

Myanmar adventure - from Mandalay to Shan State

16 February 2018

Image for Myanmar: exploring a land of coffee opportunities

Myanmar: exploring a land of coffee opportunities

31 March 2017

Myanmar; a closed country that has spent the best part of 50 years under oppressive military rule has finally ‘come in from the cold’. After liberating itself and democratically voting in the new party - LND and with it “The lady” Aung San Suu Kyi as the head of the country, Myanmar has once again opened its “doors” to the rest of the world embracing free speech and open friendships with global partners eager to help this country prosper.

Read more
Image for Speciality coffee in Myanmar 4 years on

Speciality coffee in Myanmar 4 years on

08 June 2020

Image for Myanmar Overview

Myanmar Overview

30 May 2018