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A small Caribbean island of British colonial heritage Jamaica famed for sports and reggae as well as counting coffee amongst its most well-known credentials. Remaining part of the commonwealth, Jamaica gained independence in 1962 from Britain and has flourished as an island nation, but has seen a steady level of economic emigration as islanders travel to the US, UK and Canada for work. The island operates a parliamentary democracy under and constitutional monarchy with King Charles III as head of state.
Jamaica Blue Mountain – one of the most famous coffees in the world! Exported in wooden barrels of various sizes throughout the globe – the barrels themselves are almost as famous as the contents inside. A small number of estates and coffee grower’s associations are responsible for producing the tiny crop that Jamaica produces each year. Prices have sky rocketed in recent years as successive leaf rust diseases, and hurricanes have damaged production. Strictly controlled exports (by the government) and regulated licence holders enable the distribution of this coffee throughout the world. Heavy bodied with subtle acidity, few people treasure the flavour of the coffee more than the origin, Although the growing altitude is nowhere near as high as many other nations, the almost constant fog that covers the blue mountains slows the maturation process of the bean – resulting in a very hard bean, uncommon for lower grown coffee. All Jamaica coffee is wet processed