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Entrepreneurship and agility in the coffee industry

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on coffee sales and the way in which we all work in the industry – both in Europe and across the globe. While many businesses are struggling, they are also pulling together and coming up with new ideas and ingenious ways of selling coffee.

A new ‘click & collect’ scheme has been launched by a number of roasters, available to those in the area local to their roastery. Customers can order their coffee online or by phone with a credit card and then pick up their coffee from the roastery once it has been roasted. Not only cutting out delivery fees for the customer but also the time taken to pack and send out the delivery by post for the roaster.

Social distancing measures are strictly adhered to – all that is required on pick up is a name and then the coffee is put outside for them, along with the beautiful smell of roasting coffee in the air.

With many people now missing their regular coffee shop visits and needing to shop more locally out of necessity (and of course coffee is a necessity!) this new service has been very successful. Alongside new websites, home delivery services and gift card schemes are starting up daily. It is heartening to see so many people supporting their local businesses.

One coffee roaster has also come up with the idea of selling coffee which is left at the roastery two weeks after roasting (and outside the window which their coffee purchasers prefer their coffee). Rather than waste it, they are selling it potluck style and donating all profits to support those affected by covid-19.

Social media has also been full of examples of coffee roasters donating coffee to key workers to keep them going on those long shifts and tiring days.

While times are very difficult for everyone in the industry, there are many examples of great entrepreneurship and support and care within the coffee industry.

Got a great idea you are happy for us to share with the greater coffee community? Please get in touch!