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Coffee and a chat with Paul from Café Lomi

How long have you been in business and how did the idea start?

Cafe Lomi has been around since early 2010. The idea came about after having the pure luck to meet Aleaume Paturle who hired me to work at his coffee cart business. Not long after we both connected on the idea of wholesale coffee roasting and training. Since then we have been focused on trying to always improve our coffee, our training and above all our client service. The service is a big part of the business, we both love trying to deliver a great experience to our clients. We have a great team, all very skilled and dedicated at what they do.  Currently we have two roasting sites, a coffee school, coffee equipment installation and maintenance, an e-shop and two retail locations. With lots of exciting plans for the future!

Paul and Aleaume

A bit about your town / city…

What’s your favourite thing about living in your town?

I live in a town called Bourdeaux (26460) in southern France. The place is just gorgeous, and the region is brimming with talented and dynamic people.  So my favourite thing is that combination of natural beauty and dynamic people.

Do you have any local tips? Maybe there’s a hidden gem you’d like to share?

My number one tip is to set aside a day to visit the Forêt de Saou. Can’t say it is hidden but it is a gem! It is a natural forest with tons of walking tracks and brimming with flora and fauna. On a hot summer’s day it is the coolest place to be.

After a day in the forest, a few kilometers away is the town of Saou with a couple of excellent restaurants and bars to grab a nice glass of wine and some local cuisine.

Café Lomi Wholesale team

A bit about coffee…
Which is your favourite coffee / origin and why

I know it is not a great answer, but my favourite origin is something that changes throughout the year and throughout the years! It is never static.  At the moment I am really enjoying some gorgeous lots we have from Mantiqueira de Minas in Brazil. They have beautiful citric acidity, they are clean, very sweet and aromatically complex. They basically taste like a ripe piece of fruit. Super yummy.

What’s your favourite brewing method?

Again something that is pretty static and based on the moment. Like trying to pin down a favourite song, very tough to do outside of context. That being said I am fascinated by and love the delicate intensity of a well-made espresso!

A bit about you…
What’s life outside roasting like for you?

Outside of roasting I try and hit a good balance between family time, sport, reading (mainly about coffee and roasting), listening to music as well as eating good food and drinking good drinks. So for me it is all about balance. I think having those bases covered gives us the capacity to get through the tougher times and the ability to appreciate the happy times when they are there.

What was the last book you read?

The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. A bloody eye opener!

What’s your biggest passion or love?

That’s an easy one, my wife and kids.