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Coffee and a chat with Mr Eion from Mr Eion!

How did you come up the company name?

The name, Mr Eion Coffee Roaster, just kind of happened. Friends have been calling me “Mr Eion” since college for reasons that escape me! Setting up my own business was a big step for me personally, it was the first time I was able to take complete ownership and control over a business, so why not put my own name in it!

How long have you been in business and how did the idea start?

I will have been trading for 5 years come December 2018. I moved to Edinburgh in 2012 from my home town of Aberdeen. I’d spent a number of years working in coffee shops and before moving, worked for coffee roaster Ian Cukrowski at MacBeans. I wanted to stay in the coffee industry but felt I’d served my time with cafes; a roastery was the next logical step.

What’s your favourite thing about living in your town?

Edinburgh is such a beautiful city with so much history and impressive architecture. It is vibrant and exciting too, especially during August with the many festivals, events and shows. Opening my shop in Stockbridge, an area in the North of the city, has been a great experience. Everyone is so welcoming and interested in what we do. The locals of Stockbridge are known for being fiercely protective of independent business and they have been so very supportive of us.

Do you have any local tips?
The walk along the Water of Leith is wonderful. It will take you from Leith through Stockbridge and Dean Village, up to the Modern Art Galleries and all the way out to Balerno.

Which is your favourite origin and why?

I have a real affinity for Myanmar coffee. I was fortunate to visit Myanmar in February this year. It was my first origin trip and a real revelation! The coffee I tried there was exceptional, not just in taste and quality but in variety too. I was amazed at just how different the cup profile was from estate to estate. What also struck me was the sheer number of people involved in every stage of coffee production. I read about it but until I saw it first hand I really had no idea.

Mandalay coffee group Myanmar

What’s your favourite brewing method?

I’m a big fan of the simple V60 and it’s what I use at home.

How do you take your coffee?

Black most of the time but every now and then I’ll have a wee flat white.

What would you be doing if you weren’t roasting?

I have a background in design and craft. If I wasn’t roasting coffee, I’d likely be working away in a workshop/studio making furniture and light fittings. I am constantly hoarding tools on the off chance that one day I’ll have time and space to set something up.

Where was the last place you travelled to?
I’m just back from a wonderful holiday to Northern Italy. It was the first time my wife Dana and I had visited the region. We’ve never eaten so well or drank such fantastic wines! A completely different coffee culture to what I’m used to though…

Do you have a mantra you live by?
I am impressed and inspired by David and Clare Hieatt, the founders of Hiut Denim and the Do Lectures. Their mantra is ‘do one thing well’ and its what I aspire to.

Mr Eion's shop dog Mia