How did you come up with the company name?
In 2007 we began our coffee adventure. Ruth and I were both working full time. Ruth as a textile designer and I was a Youth Worker (but obviously with that passion for good coffee). An architect friend of ours acquired a building ideal for a coffee shop and we began to train and learn about the coffee business, with the intention of setting up our first shop. This business was to be called Roost Coffee. Rooster is Ruth’s nickname and we like the idea behind the words’ connotations. 8 years later we returned to this word for our roastery. The word being part of our history, looking a bit like ‘roast’ and matching up to our ethos of family and friendly.
How long have you been in business and how did the idea start?
Roost started training in the summer of 2015. The idea began many years before from visiting roasteries in London. But we needed to learn about the trade first. We owned and ran a coffee shop for 4 years prior to Roost. This enabled us to develop our ideas and knowledge and pick up vital contacts. We wanted to find a building that would suit our vision of a roastery open to the public with an espresso bar. Our current location became available as a redevelopment of a 300 year old carriage house in 2014 and we took it immediately.

What’s your favourite thing about living in your town?
Malton has become in the past 5 years the ‘Food Capital of Yorkshire’. Since we moved our business here there have been about 25 food and drink related start-up businesses, from butchers and bakers to a brewery and distillery. These small, independent businesses are the cornerstone of Malton.
Where’s your favourite place nearby to visit?
We have Whitby and the Yorkshire coast one way and York the other. Both great for different reasons.

Do you have any local tips?
Visit York and Scarborough on the train, only 25 mins either way from Malton. Rievaulx Abbey, near Helmsley is an amazing place. Fantastic Abbey ruins in a peaceful and picturesque valley.
Which is your favourite coffee / origin and why?
I love a blend. I love to blend and find the depth and complexities a blend can bring to espresso and then a flat white. But if pushed I find that a Costa Rican or Guatemalan usually provide me with the depth of flavour and full body I want.
What’s your favourite brewing method?
Espresso. By all means I like a black filter now and again, but I am still waiting for an engineer to come up with a means to make the perfect cup with a simple mechanism. I recently saw a crowd funder on Kickstarter from Colombia called FrankOne. This could be it!
How do you take your coffee?
I love a high roasted flat white. Has to be 6oz
What’s life outside roasting like for you?
Very busy with two young children. Erin who is now 11 and just started Secondary School and Betsy our 3 year old who has grown up in the roastery.
What would you be doing if you weren’t roasting? Maybe you already have a side project?
Ha ha. No time for side projects. But now you’ve got me thinking. I need a side project. Well I was a youth worker for 12 years prior to coffee and roasting, so I think maybe a social enterprise project of some kind.
Where was the last place you travelled to?
Finding the time to travel is difficult at present. As the wholesale roasting business is paramount. But we do mange 10 days each year just after Christmas. This year we visited Sicily, which had very dark roasted, but good espresso.
What was the last book you read?
I am half way through a book called ‘Big Pig Little Pig’, a non-fiction about a UK couple living the good life in the South of France. Just bought two pigs to rear with the intention of slaughtering them in year, but they are falling in love with them.
What’s your biggest passion or love?
If I had the time, the passion is travel. Love is family.
How and what do you do to unwind? Maybe you have a tip for our readers?
I am a big Lincoln City fan and try to get to the game every other week. We also have a Goldendoodle and love a good hour walk every day. Both good to de-stress. My tip would be a four day week (although I do six) and if possible work in an industry you enjoy.
Do you have a mantra you live by?
I’ve never held a mantra to live by, but in these times of political turmoil I would say ‘Stronger together; weaker apart’
Check out the Roost website here.