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Café Femenino Foundation – How your 2018 donations are supporting families in Peru

The Café Femenino Foundation supports coffee farmer families in Peru with community grants which are proposed and managed by female farmers, with money which has been donated and raised through coffee sales.

In 2018 $6,031 was raised for the Café Femenino Foundation through purchases of Café Femenino coffee bought through us.

This year the money raised from sales through DRWakefield is being used for Cervical Cancer Prevention Workshops and the “Pilca” Reservoir Project.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Workshops

In Peru cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women and has been declared a national priority by the government*. Women in coffee communities have very little access to public health services due to their remote location and illiteracy, so are usually not screened or tested.

The workshops are designed for 150 women and includes: screening for cancer and sexually transmitted infections, referral of positive results to health centers, promoting awareness of what the symptoms are and what to do if they suspect they have a problem, as well as general health education. The women who participate in the workshops then become part of the training team who go out and share this information with others.

They are taking place in communities within Corral de Piedra, San Jose Huanama, Kerger, Penachi, Murajaga and Tallapampa in Peru after the harvest period finished.

The workshop manager is a doctor from Chiclayo city who is overseeing the entire project.

"Pilca” Water Reservoir Project

The water “Pilca” reservoir is being built in Hieba Buena in Peru. Climate change has had a large impact on the coffee growing community here, with the rainy season being reduced to just four months of the year, making it difficult to get water to the coffee trees when they need it.

Hieba Buena Community

They are currently using channels to direct rain water to coffee trees, however this can cause soil erosion and wasting water. Building five water reservoirs will give them a reliable and steady water supply which should increase the quality and production of their coffee, as well as ensure a water supply for their vegetable gardens. The project is due to be completed and used for the next coffee season.

To read more about Café Femenino Foundation and their projects click here.

If you would like to buy some Café Femenino coffee just get in touch to see what is available.