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An update on the impact of COVID-19 on our partners in the coffee industry from Simon Wakefield

As we navigate our way through these changing times, I would like to let you know that we are open and will continue to keep you informed about both us and our partners.

As the situation is continually changing at an ever-faster rate, regular communication is becoming ever more important.

We work with many different countries, large and small companies, supply chain, roasters and producers. This means we get a good overall perspective on the situation, which I would like to share with you.


We are receiving feedback from most of our customers, wherever they are in the world. The vast majority are reporting big drops in sale volumes. There are some exceptions where sales are increasing.

Origins are facing their own challenges with C-19. The coffee is still growing but a number of countries are enforcing a shut-down.

We need to manage stock levels to ensure customers that need coffee can receive their contracts.

Warehouses have limitations on space, so whilst releases are slower, new arrivals continue and space will rapidly fill.

We have a long lead time – about 2-3 months from approval of samples to landing in warehouse.

There will be disruption, to a greater or lesser degree, however if we work together, we can minimise the impact.


There is concern about cash flow and over-heads, from large and small organisations alike. Of course, some have no issues at all.

The Government and the banks are being very supportive of business. There are many procedures (being) put in place by the UK Government to help with the financial implications. We hear that many are already using these tools.

For DRWakefield to remain a sustainable business, we need a continuous flow of payments to carry on releasing coffee


Many, including DRWakefield, are now working from home. However, it does require a new work ethic and routine, which takes time to become the new normal.

The main contact person may have changed – if so, please let us know the new person and their contact numbers, preferably mobile number.

We wish you continued good health and appreciate your cooperation & support.

As it was said to me recently: Events are events. It’s our reaction to those events that determine the outcome.

I believe that once these challenging times pass, we will have learnt new and arguably better ways of living. The air pollution is already in a much better place.

If you wish to discuss any matters, please do not hesitate to contact us.