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Colombia Munchique Los Tigres

Cupping notes

Black tea, blackberry, pineapple, peach. Elegant.


Munchique los Tigres reserve is located in the Santander de Quilichao Municipality on the central mountain range in Cauca. The river Mondomo dominates the reserve, snaking its way around the various ravines and mountain roads. Situated at a range of 1500 to 1900masl, the association who grows coffee in this beautiful area is called Nasa Pkakjera Uss Ya Txnxisa (NAPUY). They joined Cencoic in 2012 and back then only 39 families were producing coffee for the Association. It now boasts 232 producers and has its own warehouse for receiving coffee. This allows them more control over the supply chain.

Most of the community speak Spanish as their mother tongue but there is currently a drive to revive the local language Nasa Yuwe. More bilingual schools have been created as a result.

Producers are categorized by making investments through development plans focused on strengthening productive units framed in productivity and quality improvement, additional programs that contribute to the mitigation of environmental pollution such as treatment of honey and grey water to not pollute the rivers as well as the management of non-biodegradable solid waste, carrying out separation and recycling processes in ecological points.

Another important point in the investments is the possibility of contributing to the education processes of the children of the producers in the payment of tuition or educational elements, a last alternative available in the development plan is investment in improving housing conditions aiming to create overall better conditions of a good life for the producers.

After picking, beans are ‘floated’ – the process of removing unripes, twigs and leaves – before being pulped and fermented in an average of 14 to 20 hours. The resultant beans are then washed with clean water and spread to dry under the sun in parabolic driers or patios for between 8 to 15 days.

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1535 - 2000m
April - July
November - December
SCA score

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