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Colombia Viani

Cupping notes

This Coffee has intense fruity and milk caramel fragrance and aroma. It presents molasses and sweet mandarin nuances that combine perfectly with a bright acidity and a medium body.


Vianí enjoys a favourable location because it has all the thermal floors: warm, temperate and cold, which offers great possibilities in terms of agricultural production diversification and of land use in general. Coffee here is collected in 3 stations, but around 70% comes via Mr Joseel Castiblanco’s collection centre, not too far from Quipile.

Cherry is brought either processed on the farm or can be brought in wet if the quality is right, and dried in a guardiola on site. This tends to fall in to the pattern of cherry being picked on a Monday or Tuesday and being depulped by the end of the day, then fermented for 48 hours. Most volume is brought on market day.

Once a good volume has been collected (between 10,000 and 13,000kg) a truck takes the load to Bogota and Racafe’s dry mill there, where extra sorting and two levels of cupping occur before bagging and export to us.

Joseel has been collecting for over 20 years for Racafe, and only sells to them; the truck driver is the only one he uses too, and has been working with them for just as long.

See if it tastes as good as it sounds

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Fully washed
1400 -2000m
April - July
October - December
SCA score
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