Tea rose, Apricot, Vanilla, Pear.
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Tea rose, Apricot, Vanilla, Pear.
High on the slopes surround Caicedonia and Trujillo, Potosi is the first farm the Herrera family owned. Having been there since 1945, there now stands 52 hectares under coffee production, with 22 hectares given over to forest. This is the most of all 5 of the farms. Whilst this is not the most wild feeling farms (that goes to the nearby Las Margaritas, in our book) there is an abundance of nature intertwined with the coffee trees here above the valley so often cloaked in clouds and mist.
A number of the plots are given over to further experimentation – the growth of a field of plants or more rather than just a few, and you will find geishas, SL34, CGLE17, Sidra, Tabi, and even some heirloom Yirgacheffe. Pink Bourbon is of course grown here too, seen as first being noted in Colombia coming from somewhere around the Inza region.
Hybrid washed is exactly that – an initial fermentation step of around 19-22 hours is done as whole cherries, before a depulping without water, followed by a second fermentation stage. The resulting beans are then fully washed and mechanically dried.
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